PPP - Login to the Portal

1. Click on the login link in the email that was sent, and use the temporary password in that email to login. If you can't find the email, please login here: https://gopropartners.com/

2. Once logged in using your email and password, you’ll be required to read over the Affiliate Program Terms & Conditions Agreement. You cannot move to the next step without acceptance of this agreement.

3. Next you’ll create your affiliate link. Please note that this can not be changed, so triple check while filling out this step to ensure everything is to your liking. This link is to a page that has all products and events you’ve been added to.

4. Click continue once you’ve confirmed that is the link you are wanting. This will create the link and complete the process.

5. If you end up misplacing your special affiliate link, your link will be nmproaccess.com/YourCustomLinkHere

6. Every time you are added to an event or product, you will get a link for that event going forward. For example, if your main affiliate link is nmproaccess.com/janedoe and you are added to the product “Sell in Beat Mode” then you will have a link directly to that event that would be something to the effect of sellinbeastmode.com/janedoe.

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